Planting Trees for a Sustainable Future


In a world where environmental conservation and sustainability have become increasingly crucial, businesses have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact. Parsley Sage Yoga Time is both excited and proud to be able to help contribute to this vital global effort by committing to planting three trees for each item purchased with our #BeLeafInChange program. If you buy three items in a single purchase, we plant 9 trees! We have chosen to team up with Eden Reforestation Projects in their efforts to replant depleted Mangrove forests in Madagascar.

Currently, Eden Reforestation Projects is operating 46 project sites throughout Madagascar covering a total of 42,800 hectares (105,750 acres) and employing nearly 3,500 local residents, but we have decided to concentrate our contributions towards the Mangrove reforestation efforts.

Mangrove forests are unique and important ecosystems found throughout the tropics, occupying the intertidal areas of more than 120 countries. Mangroves store 5 to 10 times more carbon than land ecosystems, including rainforests such as the Amazon, making them an exceptional natural carbon sink. These Mangrove reforestation efforts sequester carbon from the atmosphere and help prevent erosion and protect coastlines from storm and tidal surges, support wild life diversity and habitats both in and out of the water for fish, birds, and animals, protect local fisheries, and provide building materials, firewood, and jobs for local residents. 

Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island and one of the world’s greatest conservation priorities, with over 200 species of mammals, 100 species of lemurs, 300 species of birds, nearly 300 species of amphibians, over 14,800 species of plants (including 80% of the world’s supply of vanilla), and an exceptional array of sea life including rays, whale sharks, reef sharks, coral, turtles, and many species of fish. Around 90% of all wildlife and 80% of plant species in Madagascar are unique to this subtropical island. Click HERE to learn more about Eden Reforestation Projects.


Parsley Sage Yoga Time only manufactures our finished products “on demand”, meaning that we make your product only after you order it. This eliminates any possibility of waste and excess product inventory which needs to be thrown out if not sold. It may take us longer to get you your new product, but we feel that this is by far the more eco friendly way to operate our business, which benefits everyone on planet earth in the long run. In an effort to minimize our carbon footprint, Parsley Sage Yoga Time has teamed with multiple manufacturing partners around the world to minimize our carbon footprint while still offering global delivery. Our garments are printed and shipped from facilities located in the United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Spain, Latvia, Australia, Japan, and Brazil. Our wall art is printed and shipped from multiple facilities in the USA, Canada, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

By using manufacturing partners located around the world, we are able to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and greatly decrease shipping times and costs for our customers. All manufacturing partners use the same blank garments and printing papers, and use similar printing machines and inks, ensuring consistent quality for all of our customers throughout the world.