About Parsley Sage Yoga Time

For a person who does not yet know yoga, the practice of yoga around the world may all look the same. The reality is that there are as many different types of yoga as there are yoga practitioners. This is because yoga, even if practiced as part of a group following predetermined poses, is a personal journey, physically, mentally, and even spiritually. Every person who does yoga, does so for personal reasons, for personal goals, each as unique as themselves despite the common language used to describe yoga and its benefits. Everyone who practices yoga eventually comes to the realization that the meaning and benefits of Yoga, just like Love, transcends language, and that the word Yoga by itself has a universally understood meaning among all practitioners, just as the word Love does among all peoples. And like Love, everyone deserves to experience the benefits and joy of Yoga, regardless of their age, physical and mental state, background, or economic situation.

Parsley Sage Yoga Time (PSYT) was founded as a celebration of yoga, the desire to help people discover yoga, and inspire everyone to discover new heights and depths within themselves through the practice of yoga. Puja Dey and Steve Locher came together to found PSYT because of their mutual love of yoga and a desire to help others find inspiration and share their own love of yoga.

Puja lives in Kolkata, India with her husband and son, runs her own social media and web design company with multiple employees for the past 10 years, and loves yoga and travel. She has hopes to expand her involvement and leadership in helping the poorest children of India get access to a meaningful education. Puja is using her skills and experience to build PSYT and bring their message to the world.

Steve lives in Nevada, USA and is the creative designer behind PSYT. After decades involved at all levels of the Outdoor Retail Industry, from sales person to designer and company owner, he is channeling a lifelong interest in art, and a more recent discovery of yoga, into creating designs for PSYT. Steve became interested in yoga through a friend as a way to help deal with chronic pain and social anxiety.