Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A List of Yoga Poses to Help Alleviate Carpal Tunnel and Wrist Pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome manifests as pain, numbness, or weakness in the wrist area, often caused by compression on the median nerve, which provides movement to the lower forearm, wrist, and hand. This compression can make it challenging to apply pressure on the wrists or hold objects, significantly impacting daily life. However, with proper treatment, these symptoms can be relieved.

How Yoga can Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Many yoga practices involve rigorous movements that exert pressure on the wrists, such as downward dog, plank, and tabletop poses. This can be challenging for individuals experiencing wrist pain or carpal tunnel syndrome. While some yoga classes may avoid wrist involvement altogether, there are specific poses and movements designed to gently strengthen and alleviate pain in the area.

A List of Yoga Poses to Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

1. Prayer hands revolving (Anjali Mudra)

Starting with prayer hands, slowly move your hands forward and then flip them so that the hands are back-to-back before rotating the hands upwards and flipping back to normal prayer hands. Repeat this movement three to five times before releasing the hands.

Benefits: Rotating the hands slowly in this prayer hand movement can gently stretch the wrists and help identify areas of pain. An additional benefit of this pose is that it slows down the breath, promoting a sense of calm.

2. Tabletop wrist warm-up (Bharmanasana)

In tabletop pose, place your hands with palms facing up and the index finger pointing forward. Hold this position for two breaths before turning the index finger towards yourself for two breaths. Release to an easy seat.

Benefits: Flipping the hands to have the palms facing up can relieve and stretch the wrists, especially for those experiencing wrist pain. This pose also provides a stretch for the back of the neck and strengthens the arms.

3. Shaking out the wrists in an easy seat (Sukhasana)

Sit with a neutral spine and begin to shake the wrists for two deep breaths before releasing the hands.

Benefits: This gentle movement can be adapted to suit the individual's wrist condition, providing relief and warming up the wrists. Additionally, it promotes blood circulation, energizing the practitioner.

4. Savasana with hands supported by blankets or blocks

Lie flat on your back for five breaths, ensuring that your wrists are comfortably supported by blankets or blocks.

Benefits: Savasana offers a supportive resting pose that allows the wrists to recuperate. It can alleviate the pain accumulated throughout the day and night. Additionally, Savasana promotes relaxation and can induce a meditative state.

These yoga poses provide gentle yet effective methods to alleviate wrist pain and support individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome in their yoga practice.

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