Sahasrara Or Crown Chakra ?

Sahasrara or Crown chakra

Anna guides us through the seventh chakra, the Sahasrara (Crown Chakra), which is our link to our spiritual nature and the divine.

The most prevalent Sanskrit word for the Crown chakra is Sahasrara, which means 'thousand-petaled.'

This energy center is in charge of our spiritual connection, as well as our senses of cosmic consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-awareness. The Crown chakra's connection to spirituality and enlightenment is shown in its association with the color violet.

The Crown chakra is where good thoughts and behaviors, faith, meditation, and prayer are stored. We can converse with the divine and transcend the material world here. The alignment of Sahasrara is to seek an intimate relationship with the universe.

Thousand petals are a key component of the Crown chakra Sahasrara.

The element is said to be related with the Sahasrara chakra.

The crown chakra is positioned at the top of the head, or somewhat above it, and radiates upward like a crown. Because of its position, it is intimately connected to the brain and nerve system. The pituitary gland is related with Sahasrara first, followed by the pineal and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland collaborate to keep the endocrine system (the body's basic functions) in check. The seventh chakra and the first chakra have an energetic link – they are the chakra system's bookends.

The Crown chakra is responsible for devotion, inspiration, prophetic thought, spiritual connections, and transcendental thoughts. Your Crown chakra may be sending you messages through your dreams…

When dealing with the Crown chakra, we shift our focus away from ourselves and toward the world around us. Questions such as "How am I connected to the rest of the world?" may arise. How can I figure out where I belong in the world? How can I improve my service to the world?

Symptoms of an imbalance

Stress in any layer of the body (physical, mental, emotional, and energetic) can lead you to slow down, stall, or go into overdrive, as we've learned in earlier chakra articles (see below). Confusion, distraction, lack of focus, feeling alienated from the body or the world, or hyper spiritualization (too much meditation!) are all symptoms of an imbalanced Sahasrara chakra.

Connect the Crown Chakra Checklist! The greater the transformation in our collective consciousness towards a holistic view of health, biodiversity, and humanity as a whole, the more people who connect with the power of this chakra.

Discover your inner strength. Understanding that we are accountable for what we make allows us to become happier, healthier, and less reactive by learning to behave, think, and communicate with love and wisdom.

Learn from your setbacks and deceptions. Seek significance from physical and emotional challenges, but let them go once they've served their purpose or taught you anything.

How to bring your Crown Chakra into harmony

The Crown chakra can be balanced to help you feel more at ease. The capacity to locate yourself in the world around you provides mental tranquility and clarity. Increased physical-mental synergy allows for a greater connection with the spiritual realm. There are things you can do both on and off the mat to achieve balance.

Sahasrara chakra yoga poses

These focused yoga poses will help you balance this energy centre:

Headstand with Support (Salamba Sirsasana)

Plough (Halasana)

Shoulderstand with Support (Salamba Sarvangasana)

Lotus (Padmasana)

Forward Bend While Seated (Paschimottanasana)

Bound Angle Reclining (Supta Baddha Konasana)

Sound vibrations, or chanttra mantras

The Kundalini bija mantra is Om. Chanting OM (pronounced AUM) affects the Crown chakra's vibrational frequency. Use your breath to vibrate the sound OM as you breathe in and out. This mantra is extremely potent and represents the essence of ultimate reality.

The Mudra of a Thousand Petals is a mudra for the seventh chakra.

Sit tall in a comfortable seated position. To make a pyramid, bring the tips of your index and middle fingers together. Allow the remaining fingers to extend upward while remaining straight. Raise this mudra to a height of roughly 6 inches above your head.

The Crown chakra's quality is thought.

Discover the limitless within you and realize that it is one with everything else. Working with the crown chakra through asana is a lovely way to clear it. Tightness and stagnation might come to the surface when we work on the body. We can begin to comprehend the deeper lessons, meanings, and connections of everything that occurs if we can find the patience and wisdom to sit with it and watch it without judgment, and then intentionally let it go. As a result, we are liberated. This represents the ability to connect intimately with all within the Crown Chakra.

Sahasrara chakra meditation

The color violet is associated with this chakra. Try seeing it as a brilliant halo just over your head during relaxation or meditation. Imagine the light with your eyes closed. Allow it to pulse in time with your breath, awareness rising into a column of light that reflects back into you. Draw it in via your crown, allowing it to cover your entire body and the area around you, then rise out of the crown, encasing yourself in a shimmering violet spotlight… Chant the syllable OM to connect with all that exists inside and outside of you as you meditate on your crown, imagining your breath as a lovely column of violet light.

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